Internships are a stepping stone to your career goals. Internships aid you to gain experience and exposure.

An internship is a basic necessity for a student. Yet, the availability of internships in the field of psychology is scarce. Most of the students have done the same degree, gained similar experience in university.

Therefore, with so many students applying for internships, how can a student land a better internship opportunity?

One of the answers can be:

–         Certifications and diplomas

Psychology as a field is a combination of theory and applied knowledge. Both are requisite. Generally, universities are tilted towards theory and internship towards applied skills.

Certifications and diplomas are a combination of practical and theoretical approaches. Therefore, it bridges this gap and will assist you to land a better internship.

Remember, a certificate doesn’t mean you have a license to practice; the norms will differ from country to country.

 Top certifications or diplomas to enroll in:

1. Psychometric testing

Psychometric testing is a standard testing method used in psychology. Its purpose is to assess – mental capacity, behavioral styles, personality, and aptitude of the candidate.

The objective of this certification will be to educate you about different psychometric tests and how to interpret the test results.

One of the few options where you will find this course is:

a. BPS (British Psychological Society)

b. NAoP (National Academy of Psychology), 

c.  EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Association)

d.     IIBP (Indian Institute of Business Psychology)

Overview of this course:

  • Psychometric Assessment Overview
  • Overview Of Psychometric Assessment Categories
  • Using TAT Effectively
  • Using PSI Effectively
  • Occupational personality questionnaire (OPQ)
  • Motivational Questionnaire (MQ)
  • Using Ability/ Interest Tests Well
  • Usage Of Psychometric Tests

This course fits best for a student looking for internships in Organisational Psychology, Industrial psychology, educational psychology, forensic psychology, career counseling.

2. Psychological First Aid (PFA)

Psychological first aid training is a mandate when working in any field of psychology. Every student should have basic training in this.

An employer will have a preference for a student who has undergone psychological first aid training as it ensures their preparedness for an emergency.

The course would include approximately 6 hours of training.

Where will you find this course?

–         Easily available on MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) such as Coursera, Udemy

Overview of the course:

  • Contact and Engagement 
  • Safety and Comfort
  • Stabilization
  • Information Gathering: Current Needs and Concerns
  • Practical Assistance
  • Connection with Social Supports
  • Information on Coping
  • Linkage with Collaborative Services  

3. Accredited certificate on psychology and therapy of addictions

Addictions do affect human well-being and it could be a result of various factors- social, environmental, psychological, and many more.

While applying for an internship, your employer would desire an applicant who would have knowledge about the day-to-day issues and how one can deal with it. This course will give you comprehensive knowledge about therapeutic techniques related to addiction and how to apply it when you encounter a case study or clients facing a similar situation.

 It’s not unlikely to have clients who have experienced or are experiencing this. Addiction itself is dealt with in different fields of psychology.

Where will you find this course?

 Plenty of online platforms like MOOC (massive open online courses) do offer this course. Prefer selecting a platform that provides you with an accredited certificate. Also, prefer a course that will give you theoretical as well as practical nuances.

Overview of the course

a.     Counseling and therapy for people with addictions
b. Alcoholic parents and their children
c. How to become a ‘substance misuse worker’
d. Treatments for drug addiction
e. Co-dependency and relapse
f. Models of disease related to addictions
g. Coping mechanisms and counseling someone with addictions
h. What is ‘rehab’ and how it works?

Who should do this course?

Anyone who is looking for an internship in clinical psychology, counseling psychology and it’s fields, school psychology, forensic psychology, social psychology, and rehabilitation.

4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Certified courses in cognitive behavioral therapy guide you to build a skill in CBT. It’s a mixed bag of theory and practical experiences.

CBT is one of the techniques employed by various psychologists while treating a disorder.  While working with these psychologists, having an understanding of the therapeutic techniques is a cherry on the top. Also during an interview, you can be given a situation where you can apply this extensive knowledge.

Where can you find this course?

Almost everywhere!

It’s very easy to find on online platforms. There are a lot of programs that offer this course.

Overview of this course

a. Cognitive-behavioral foundations

b. Quantified Self-assessment for therapy

c.  Setting therapeutic goals

d. Eliminating self-sabotaging thoughts

e. Disorders that use CBT

f.   Reconditioning happiness and goals

Who should do this course?

One should do this course if they are searching for internship opportunities in the field of clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, life coaching, and social psychology.

5. Digital well- being / social media addiction

 This is one of the overbearing issues that a lot of psychologists have to deal with every day. Despite the simplicity of the topic, it is the root of a lot of complex and conflicting problems.

Being a psychology student you might have an understanding of this topic, but having specific learning in this course can lead to a good impression on your application.

Where can you find this course?

You might find a lot of options for this course but you will have to read the course credentials clearly to get a good course. MOOC does provide this course.

Overview of this course

a.     Introduction to the digital society and wellbeing, considering new and established digital technologies, modern culture, and trends.
b. Exploration of digital identity, and the balance of online and offline activities.
c. Consideration of negative behaviors online, and strategies and approaches for managing them.
d. Positive uses of technology for our health, society, and education.

Who should do this course?

If you are exploring internships in the field of school psychology, educational psychology, counseling psychology, community psychology, you should try this course.

6. Anxiety-related disorders and management

This course starts with the basic question of what is anxiety and ends with the complex question of how to manage it.

Psychology studies in university do acknowledge this section but it’s still surface-level knowledge.

Pick a course that will provide you with a more extensive and practical side of this theory.

It’s easy to find this course online as well as a lot of psychologists do organize workshops regarding this course.

Overview of this course

a.     What is anxiety?
b. Types of anxiety
c. Stress
d. Therapy techniques
e. Exercise and diet
f. Relaxation techniques

Who should do this course?

You should enroll in this course if you desire to work with clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, industrial psychologists, organizational psychologists, and school psychologists.

7. Counseling Skills Training

 We learn about counseling in theory as psychology students but we can’t apply these skills anywhere since we are not licensed professionals.

This workshop can give you an experience of how to work with a fictitious client in different challenging scenarios.

This skill is really important and having a certificate in this provides a guarantee to your employer that you have an aptitude in this field and you already possess some experience in this field.

Where can you enroll in this course?

 Since this is a more practical oriented workshop, various professionals do organize this workshop. It can be conducted in a practical setting as well as online.


a.     What is counseling psychology?
b. Ethics
c. Confidentiality clause
d. Case study building
e. Guide to begin a counseling session
f. Guide to end a counseling session
g. Practice session

This workshop stands true for anyone applying for internships in different fields of counseling psychology.

These certificates aid you to develop additional skills and it glorifies your resume as well.

 This skill set is not just important for an internship, but also for more career opportunities. These skills are the foundation of your career.

Whilst certifications are one way to land an internship in psychology, there are various determinants present as well.

 These are a few top courses you can learn and earn a certification in.

Look for additional different courses that will help you develop a skill that your internship demands.

Best of luck!!!


  1. A really informative article !! Thankyou so much for this. And very well organised and displayed.

    1. Dhwani Shah says:

      Thank you so much Miral, I hope this was helpful

  2. This is so great helps a lot thanks for posting this best article I have been through. Well done!! Keep it up💯

    1. Dhwani Shah says:

      Thank you so much ❤❤❤means a lot

  3. Urvil Shah says:

    It is correct that in the field of psychology, internships are scarce. This list of certifications and diplomas is really helpful to boost someone’s inclination in psychology. Very well written. Kudos to you!

    1. Dhwani Shah says:

      Thank you so much☺❤

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